Cycle Sync

Your Cycle is your Superpower : Aligning your Life with Your Menstrual Cycle for greater ease, self care and self love

October 09, 20245 min read

Your cycle is your superpower as a woman

I know. That may not be how you feel about it.

You may resent it because you feel like it slows you down and makes you moody and just wants to hide under the blankets to eat potato chips and chocolate.

You may fight it and try to push through it like nothing is happening. Even though that sucks too.

You may feel like a victim to it every month when PMS overcomes your life, and then bam, you bleed, and you're like,,,,, riggghttttt… that's what is going on.

Or, maybe you are actually a little bit curious about it. 

But still annoyed that it has to be a part of your life.

Or you may even know you want to try to work more with it, but just can't seem to figure out how to make that work in this GO GO GO hustle culture madness.

Yes,  I get it…

It can be a really hard thing to be with in this life where we are told to ignore, push through, hide, shame and grin and bare it.

Believe me, I know from personal experience, the overwhelm of being a deeply hormonal woman, and being overcome with emotional and physical struggle during PMS time, with no idea why or how I could support myself.

When I was in my early 30’s, I began noticing that the breakdown and buildup and breakdown and buildup that I was experiencing actually worked in a cycle that was connected to my menstrual cycle. Out of necessity for my own well being I started studying and learning about hormones and what was going on all month long… and I was blown away at how much we don't know.

I learned some pretty crucial information like- our hormones are intricately connected to neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, affecting our moods,how well our linear brain works, how confident we feel, our sex drive, who we want to see, our sense of smell, how annoyed we are, how turned on we are, what we want to do… and on and on.

And we were not told anything about any of it!  Just another way women are overlooked.

You see.  In short. Each week of your cycle has a cast of hormonal characters that rotate around in a pretty predictable way from month to month- most of the time.

Your hormonal cycle is intimately connected with your :

  • energy levels

  • moods

  • emotions

  • pleasure and desire

  • brain function and neurochemistry

  • levels of confidence

  • metabolism

  • And so much  more….

Doesn't it seem like this is information we should know about??!!

As I began tuning in with my body and tracking my moods and all of it I began to honor this rhythm with actually planning my life around this knowing.  And wow- how it changed everything!

My self love and self care game went way up!

My ease of doing and being amplified.

My creativity skyrocketed.

My mindset changed - a lot!

My drive got activated.

And so much more…  all because I planned my life in a way that honored the natural ebbs and flows of my energy levels and ways of being.

You see. 

There is not only the PMS part, there is also the ovulation part and all the glory and confidence and sexy time we can feel during that time.

And when we learn to plan with this body wisdom, we actually maximize our potential to thrive- and become the wise feminine rhythmic super heroes that we actually are- because lady, it's actually pretty magic what's happening … when we work with it rather than fight it.

Just like the seasons- we are seasonal, every month.

After learning and living this information and wisdom in my life for over 20 years now, I am passionate about this knowledge becoming integral to how we relate to our lives as women. 

That is why I created Flow to Glow- A cycle synced planner and workbook -  because it is exactly what helped me to learn about  myself, how to care for myself, feel liberated from the struggle, and ignited by the power of the rhythms… and design a life around that - freeing up so much energy and clearing away unnecessary self sabotage.

It is so helpful to really know …

  • When to plan dinner parties dates

  • When to plan movie nights

  • When not to blow my life up 

  • And how to hold myself through it all

So listen up…

Here are three tips to get you started in learning to plan your life with your cycle for better living.

  1. LEARN to track your cycle- all month long- and notate that shit on your planner/calendar. Day 1 is your first day of your bleed. Week 1 is Day 1-7.  Week 2 is Day 8-14.. And so on. Keep track of how you feel day to day, week to week- emotionally, physically, mentally.  What do you want to do and not want to do. This intimacy with knowing yourself is the beginning. 

  2. Tune into what kinds of things you can do to support , take care of, and celebrate yourself in the different weeks/inner seasons of your cycle- start making a living list of what feels good, and do that!

  3. And then… start actually planning your life around this rhythm and the self support and feel good stuff.  In advance. 

    This will change your life as a woman!!

And guess what? Surprise! 

I actually have a resource that will help you do just this!

If you know you are really ready to dive into this as a lifestyle choice and want a kick ass done for you system, to implement this into your life, check out my workbook/planner experience Flow to Glow - The Ultimate time and energy management system for women - where you will find all the education you never received and the resources for tracking, planning, mindset shift, biohacking, syncing with your business, syncing food, fitness, self care activities, and more.  

It truly is the ultimate life time management tool for women.

Access Flow to Glow here

It's only $37 USD. And it is something you can use month after month- print for play with digitally- and DIY your way to cycle synced bliss :)

I wish you the best in learning about the very real and wise rhythms of your body.

They are a part of you.

And truly are, filled with womanly superpowers!!!!


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