work with me

Many paths for each woman on her journey home.

work with me

Many paths for each woman on her journey home.

pussy portraits :

Vulva Love and sensual liberation

Are you looking to ignite your wild feminine nature for a more turned on and expressed experience of being alive?

These offerings are for the curious and courageous woman ready to dive deeper into awakening her sensuality, sexuality, and creative life force through returning to the aliveness of her body.

This work is rooted in vulva and womb connection, to awaken authentic feminine energy as the fuel for expression so that you can be and do what you are here for on this planet as a woman!

It is work with the embodiment of Goddess, through art, movement. ritual, and remembering the sacred arts of Woman.

This is where you will find all information on the unique offerings of the Pussy Portraits.

cycle Syncing and menstrual wisdom

Are you tired of being overwhelmed every month by the hormonal changes that happen in your body and mind?

Are you ready to work with your cycle for more ease, creativity, and feminine creative flow in your life all month long?

This work will teach you the secrets of your cycle so that you can go from feeling burnt out and overstressed to feeling more embodied power in your life, business, relationships and sexual expression.

This work is key to loving your body and yourself in all your seasons

as a a woman.

womb work

Have you heard of Womb Work and feel curious to learn more about what it is and how it may support you as a woman?

Learning how to connect with your Womb Space is foundational in anchoring into your sacred feminine body, and the portal to your ground, intuition, pleasure and creativity.

These offerings are for you to discover how your Womb Space can be a daily tool for more life force, inner peace, pleasure, confidence, sensuality, magnetism and intuitive knowing.

Wether you are just starting your Womb journey, or have been working with her for awhile, this work will guide you into a new ground of instinctual

embodied power.

VULVA LOVE Art prints

Check out the gallery of my Pussy Portraits!

Ordering prints is coming soon!

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