Hustle culture sucks

Energy Management: Listening to Your Body to Prevent Entrepreneurial Burnout as a Woman

October 07, 20245 min read

I want to start by saying that we as women have very different needs than men do when it comes to taking care of ourselves as entrepreneurs.

The “go go go” push and ignore your body and your feelings just doesn't work for us.

We need a different system to work with- one that honors our need for connection, self care, pleasure, rest, and play.

One that honors our bodies and her rhythms and needs.

Learning to sync your work with your hormonal cycles is paramount to this new system for us as Fempreneurs. 

As women we have been immersed in a work culture - and life culture- that is based on men and their basic 24 hour circadian rhythm. Where the cycles are based on a daily rhythm within a 24 hour period.

The fact is, that we have a rhythm of our own, and it is also very important to how we live and work and play and design our lives.

It is our menstrual cycle - a 28 - 30 day rhythm, that is quite predictable in its changes from week to week, and incredibly wise, with its own superpowers of support and design.

We just have not been taught to, encouraged to, or supported to work with this very real biological rhythm. 

We actually have been told to ignore it, push it down, fight it and “keep up with the men” so that we can be “in the race”, seen as equal, viewed as successful.

Unfortunately, this has left many of us burnt out, stressed out, and frankly, a bit depressed.

So, it is time to create and honor a new structure for your work- one that honors your energy levels, your body, your body's natural 28-3- day cycle!

I spent a long time fighting against my own rhythms, and then I learned about them and started designing my life around them- as much as possible- and began to empower other women to do the same. Because it literally changes… everything! 

I am so passionate about it that I created a DIY style workbook/planner system called Flow to Glow- because I want to share this kick ass self loving system with all women so that we can learn about our cycles, live with them in an empowered way, and design it in as the proper priority in our lives and work, so that we can thrive in our own way-  as women!

(You can check out Flow to Glow info here)

THE FIRST thing I want to emphasize in this cyclical system of design - for us it is not only about time management- it is also very importantly about energy management- and how to nourish ourselves in our energy ebbs and flows.

What we do and when we do it. And. How we do it.

These things have been ignored. And they really matter for us as women with hormones that cycle around.

You see, each week has its gifts and wisdoms and challenges.

And when we learn about this in our bodies, we can work with our cycles' rhythms, rather than fight against them.

Your hormonal cycle is intimately connected with your :

  • energy levels

  • moods

  • motivation

  • sense of overwhelm

  • brain function and neurochemistry

  • levels of confidence

  • metabolism

  • social desires

  • And so much  more….

And these things move through cycles of weekly shifts and changes - supporting you with different gifts and superpowers.

Yes, even the week before your period- there are gifts to be harvested for your life and work.

When you learn to sync with this intelligence of your body you can actually maximize your efficiency and productivity, while honoring the seasons of rest and reflection when they are present.

You can sync with your creativity.

Your confidence.

Your linear brain super time. 

As well as with your reflective gifts.

Your review time.

Your visionary time.

Your rest and reset time.

All things that are absolutely important for your business!!

While trusting it will all cycle through and be a sustainable support- a whole system- that is aligned with your rhythm.

Are you curious about what those cyclical gifts are and how to do this ? I bet you are!

Well. Surprise! 

I actually have a free resource that will help you do this!

You can access this incredible Feminine Superpower tracking map for Femprenuers here.

Synced for Success is a cliff notes version of what the heck is actually going to be supportive in each week for your business and a planning pages to help you implement that.

This will change your life as a Fempreneur!!

I will leave you with some important closing questions to reflect upon.

  • How do you manage your energy for self care and avoiding burn out?

  • What does success really mean to you?

  • How do you feel when you are successful?

  • Is your life rich with all the things you desire?

  • Is racing for success and reaching it at the cost of your body and soul actually success to you?

If you want to take your life and work to a place that feels sustainable, even sexy, in its design and execution i invite you to:

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