are you ready

to explore your wild,

own your power,

and embody your most

liberated self ?

are you ready

to explore

your wild

ignite your


and deepen

your pleasure?

Dearest Woman walking bravely through the fires of change,

I want you to know .....

You were born to be ravished open by your life

Yes, you feel an ache inside.

A restlessness and hunger for a spark you know deep down.

You are ready to feel more TURNED ON in your life!

To feel more alive, sparky, vital, creative and playful.

But, this culture makes it so hard to tune into the flow of your desires and prioritize your pleasure.

There is a voice inside screaming.... there is more of me to know than this!!

You are remembering something deep inside

You are being called back to your feminine wilds

You want to feel more alive in your body

To experience a sensual, softened, luscious feeling inside of you

You are ready to discover a life that feels like silk and tastes like honey.

To this I say yes!

My passion is to support you on this path to your wild liberation.

I can't wait to meet you at the threshold- and help you uncover your treasures inside.


Khadoma Colomby

Your resident seeker and guide to all things sensual, wild and free.

P.S. If you are feeling a stirring inside of you, we need to talk. My work is made just for you.

Walk with me ....

I will help you connect with your body and unapologetically

make daily choices

that support your pleasure, sacred self love

and sensual expression as a WOMAN.

this is my speciality

This is my passion

I will help you connect with your body and unapologetically make daily choices that support your pleasure, sacred self love

and sensual expression as a WOMAN.

this is my speciality

This is my passion

Ways to work with me

Vulva Love and erotic liberation: 

Are you looking to ignite your wild feminine nature for a more turned on and erotically expressed experience of being alive?

These offerings are for the curious and courageous woman ready to dive deeper into awakening her sensuality, sexuality, and creative life force through returning to the aliveness of her body.

This work is rooted in vulva and womb connection, to awaken authentic feminine energy as the fuel for expression so that you can be and do what you are here for on this planet as a woman!

It is work with the embodiment of Goddess, through art, movement. ritual, and remembering the sacred arts of Woman.

This is where you will find all information on the unique offerings of the Pussy Portraits

Menstrual cycle syncing:

Are you a woman that fights with her menstrual cycle?

Are you tired of being overwhelmed and surprised every month by the changes that happen?

Are you finally ready to work with your body and her rhythms for more ease, creativity, and feminine creative flow.

This work will teach you the secrets of your cycle so that you can go from feeling burnt out and overstressed to feeling more embodied power in your life, business, relationships and sexual expression.

This work is key to loving your body and yourself in all your seasons

as a a woman.

Womb healing:

Have you heard of Womb Work and feel curious to learn more about what it is and how it may support you as a woman?

Learning how to connect with your Womb Space is foundational in anchoring into your sacred feminine body, and the portal to your ground, intuition, pleasure and creativity.

These offerings are for you to discover how your Womb Space can be a daily tool for more life force, inner peace, pleasure, confidence, sensuality, magnetism and intuitive knowing.

Wether you are just starting your Womb journey, or have been working with her for awhile, this work will guide you into a new ground of instinctual

embodied power.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”.

-Anais Nin

Despite what you have been told....

There is no secret sauce.

There is nothing you need to become before you find what your looking for.

The change you desire comes from discovering who you already are.

From quieting the voices that have told you what and who to be....

So that you can hear your own voice.

In that spaciousness, you feel the pulse of your body, and what brings her pleasure and ease.

You get to know who you are, underneath all that you have been told you're supposed to be.

That is what I am here to do with you.


We quiet the voices.

Shed the shame.

Take off the shackles.

And breathe into the depths of your beautiful body and being.

So that you can discover who you really are....

I know the path of embodiment and healing as a woman is many layered.

You may be at the beginning of your journey, or you may be far into it and taking a deeper step in.

Wherever you are, I meet you exactly where you are, and support your steps into the more liberated, connected, sovereign and sensual woman that is calling you.

Are you ready to explore how more freedom feels in your life?

Book a call with me to discuss the options just for you!

Client Love

In working with Khadoma my world has transformed. 

My inner lens has changed. 

My mission feels so much more powerful. 

I understand and love my body in a way I have never before. 

I’ve gone from hating my periods to being excited for its arrival. 

I understand my anatomy and how it works in so much more depth. 

I understand and can feel into the power of my womb and yoni. 

I used to think my yoni was ugly and, I think my pussy is F*cking MAGIC. 

Get onto this course work with Khadoma - just get into her energy and work - it is life changing and I’m so grateful for her presence in my world, we came together in the perfect timing xx”

— Samantha Frances

I can’t say enough how much I appreciate Khadoma and her work. Taking her Womb workshop has truly been life-changing for me.

Her gentle and loving demeanor really helped create a space that felt safe to open up and be vulnerable.

Each week of work was just as powerful as the next as it took us to deeper and deeper levels.

The deeper the healing went the more I was able to free a part of myself I always knew and felt was there, but was too afraid to expose.

Now I express that side of myself with excitement and love, and enjoy as I continue healing. Thank you so much Khadoma for this beautiful space and aiding us on this part of our journey!

-Ashely Finch

Explore Your

Wild Woman


Which wild woman are you

most embodying?

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