hello beautiful woman...

i am thrilled you have found

your way here

hello beautiful woman...

i am thrilled you have found

your way here

I'm Khadoma

Your guide and fellow seeker of all things sensual,

wild and free....

I too am a woman on this path of uncovering my womanly ways of radiance and wild.

It is a courageous and worthy path.

I have been working with woman as a mentor and circle leader for over two decades.

My passion is to support us all back into our wild and wise bodies, so that we can live our most pleasure filled, creative and expressed lives.

This feminine wisdom is what the planet is calling for now.

It is the calling in you as well, back to discover your own untamed life and expression.

It is time....

I would love to support you on your path as a woman re-wilding.

Through art, ritual, body, story, pleasure and dance, my work is here to support you to REMEMBER the sacred woman that you are,.

I am here to remind you that you are already so much more than enough.



Authentically outrageously - YOU! 

Are you ready to break out of your old routines and create your life from a new stance of self knowing, confidence and pleasure?

I can help you with that!

I am here to remind you that you are already so much more than enough.



Authentically outrageously - YOU! 

Are you ready to break out of your old routines and create your life from a new stance of self knowing, confidence and pleasure?

I can help you with that!

Fun Facts About me

  • I have lived on a small island away from the big world for 25 plus years. In this time I have lived off grid in a yurt, given birth to my son in a hot tub on a raw piece of land, grown organic food seasonally for me and my family, and been a local performer most years. It shapes all that I am and all that I do.

  • Growing up I spent summers on a very small island in Canada where my mom bought communally into a piece of land with 10 other OG hippies in the early 70s. There was much nakedness, music, love and art. This is the very root of me.

  • My name really is Khadoma. Given to me by my real deal hippy parents. It is Tibetan, and means Sky Traversing Lady or Sky Dancer.

  • In college I studied world religions through art and art history, and learned about the Goddess and Goddess cultures wayyyyy before it was “popular” and “on brand”. At 23 I moved to the forests of a small island in the Salish Sea, and have lived here, out of time and separate from the ‘Big World’ ever since- 27 years and counting. It saved me in all the ways, and is infused into all that I am, all that I do, and all that I create.

Two of my favorite quotes others have said about me:

“You teach us all how to like a ripe juicy plum."

-Long time friends from my community

“Khadoma, you are like a feral Martha Stewart who just happens to paint Pussy’s."

Amy Lorbati : The Whoracle

SO now…. I want to know about you…

Your longings.Your secret desires.Your messy beautiful life.

Ready to discover your out of the box, wild and imperfect self?

Find out Which wild woman archetype you are most embodying...

SO now…. I want to know about you…

Your longings.Your secret desires.Your messy beautiful life.

Ready to discover your out of the box, wild and imperfect self?

Find out Which wild woman archetype you are most embodying...

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