and liberate

your power

through pleasure









I feel you woman.

On the path of remembering.

In the fire of reclaiming.

In the alchemy of rebirth.

You are ready to walk through the initiation from “good girl” to goddess.

Ready to shed old shame.

Ready to lay down the voices that try to keep you playing small.

You are here at a threshold.

Ready to step more fully into your body as a woman.

Into your power.

Your pleasure.

Your sensual presence.

Into the magnetic, alive and turned on woman you know exists inside of you.

Reconnecting with your Vulva and her magic is a huge part of this reclamation.

And I am here to support you on your way to freedom.

I invite you to join me in a unique experience that will change the way you feel in and about your body forever...

This experience centers around an art piece of your Vulva.

and it is a healing like no other.

It is the ultimate path of walking from pain to power.

It is a pleasure filled place to heal the shame that has been keeping you contracted from your fullest expression.

It is a safe place to release the stories written in and on your body.

It is a portal to awaken the sensual presence inside that has been sleeping.

It is uniquely transformative.

And a radical reclamation of a part of your body you have been taught to shame.

This journey will ignite far reaching liberation.

Through becoming Art

Yes. I know this idea may feel edgy AF.

The word Pussy itself may make you squirm and shy away.

You may feel like you shouldn’t even be here reading this because it’s too naughty.

But here you are and this is where it all begins.

Book your free call below and lets chat about this in your life!

Client Love:

Just the very act of saying yes to this process with Khadoma awakened parts of myself that needed

this sacred attention, this love and this honoring .

I moved through so much resistance and remembered that open and sensual part of myself from my youth that had been almost sidelined after having children.

It felt blissful seeing how beautiful she crafted it, how she took her creative expertise and melted it

all together into something that literally brings

tears to my eyes with love and celebration .

This isn't just having your portrait done, it is a journey back into your divine body ."

-Leanna Jane Lewis,

Transformational Life Coach for visionaries

welcome home to your liberation

Petals of Fire : 

A journey in reclaiming your pleasure, power and presence as a woman

I believe that a woman in tune with her pleasure, her desire, her turn on and her body is a force of nature that will change the world.

If you know you are here for this life of freedom Petals of Fire is just for you!

This eight week journey will ignite your sleeping Empress and bring you fully back home into your body as a sensual/sexual woman.

You will connect deeper with your body, your pleasure, and your Erotic nature so that you feel more alive, creative, inspired, flirtatious and magnetically engaged with your life everyday.

Your body is sovereign. A place that is yours to occupy.

Your Erotic intelligence unleashed and open is a way of living your life.

Not just in the bedroom.

But in your day to day experience of being alive.

It changes everything!

This is for you if you....

  • Want to know how to bring more simple daily pleasure into your life without the guilt and shame.

  • Are ready to open up to deeper layers of your creative and sexual energy so that you can feel more connected to this part of your radiance and vitality every day.

  • Desire to know more about your turn on, your Anatomy of Pleasure, and how to access more of it in all aspects of your life.

  • Are curious to experience more sexual freedom and liberated expression both inside and outside the bedroom.

  • Yearn to go deeper into your magnetic, flirtatious, erotic feminine power and learn how to bring this deeper into your daily life.

This experience includes:

- Eight 1-1 private mentoring calls to dive into your process, pleasures, challenges and celebrations- as well as an opportunity to do the weekly practices together live

- Bespoke embodiment meditations to connect with your breath, Womb, Vulva and Sensual self for your personal journey.

- Cliteracy Content: Education about your Anatomy of Arousal, the truth about your Pussy, Pleasure Styles and mor

- Pleasure Homework: "Assignments " for you to ignite your body awakening and nourish your healing

- Journal Prompts to unfold and support your journey

- Four modules of pre-created content with lifetime access

- Message support for communication and process

- Music Playlists to get your body moving in all the yummy ways

- And of course your original 8x10 Pussy Portrait !

The journey will combine curated content personal to you

as well as these four module courses to enjoy

Module 1 : Meet and greet

This is the beginning, where you will become more intimate with your sacred root as a woman. This includes an introduction to your Womb Space as a portal to your power, and then a deeper dive into your Vulva as a physical and energetic space of pleasure and creativity. Regardless of your previous relationship with her, here is an opportunity to release and reclaim.

Module 2 : Explore your Womb/Pussy Wisdom

Here you will awaken this sacred ground of your intuition, desire and inner guidance. In building a new relationship with your body you will re-source an inner knowing and confidence of creativity as you learn to hear your body and honor it as a guidance system. In this module you will reconnect to your inner worthiness and learn to dive into your life and dreams with more play, clarity and curiosity.

Module 3 : Awakening the Portal of Pleasure

Knowledge is power . There is so much we were not taught about the true anatomy of our pleasure. This module will dive into the sex a eduction that you deserve, learning of your pleasure potential, style, what you like, what you want, and how to bring more of all of this into your daily life- first with yourself, and then a lover.

Module 4 : Ignite Eros as a lifestyle

Eros is life force, raw and existing in each moment in all things. When you open to it, and learn to tap into this energy, all of life becomes more alive, rich with turn on, flirtation and magnetism. Here we will be focusing on bringing in more of this play and presence with daily life so that your radiance, energy and pleasure is amplified in all that you do.

This 8 week experience, unlike any other, will:

- Guide you home to your body in a way that is whole and delicious

- Teach you how to support your healing process with pleasure

- Empower you to design more bliss moments into your day to day life as a lifestyle choice so that you feel more intimacy, meaning, magnetism and self sourced love

- Teach you about the landscapes of your body, what she likes, and how to give it Her, so that you are confidently claiming your sexual pleasure and power

- Gift you with a whole new level of self sourced intimacy with, and appreciation for, your feminine body and being

- Bring you into a new relationship with yourself, your relationships, your purpose/business and your body

The price of this package is $1477 USD

Payment plans always accepted

It begins with a free conversation to explore this work together.

Book your time with me below.

Client Love:

My pussy portrait is by far one of the

most gratifying gifts I have given myself. 

I was drawn to having it done but hesitant. I’m a very shy woman.

After speaking with Khadoma I knew I

was on the right journey.

When the painting arrived and I saw the finished art peice, I cried. 

Tears shed for the strength, bravery, beauty, and calmness. All gifts given to me by this portrait and Khadoma.

It hangs proudly for all to see.

I truly love her!

She is ME!”

-Debbie Pearl

Client Love:

My Pussy Portrait serves as a visual reminder and representation of the portal to my own personal power and pleasure.

She provides me with a daily invitation to reconnect with myself and my desires through the sacred wisdom of my body and my sensuality. 

The process with Khadoma was a nourishing and supportive experience that helped me to understand the ways I’d become disconnected from myself and my dreams and desires.

It was like a permission slip to reconnect with parts of myself and to remember that there is power found within me.

If you’ve been considering working with Khadoma to support you in your expansion, growth, or healing journey, I would highly recommend you lean into the whispers of your soul and allow yourself to be seen and held by this amazing process."

-- Julie Greenberg

Getting my pussy portrait done with Khadoma was a life changing experience.

It helped me on a journey of self-discovery, self-love and healing.

My pussy portrait now hangs proudly on the wall.

It is a statement of my sexuality as well as an offering of protection.

Thank you Khadoma, for this beautiful experience and amazing piece of art.

-- Laura Hansen

Your vulva is here for you to love and adore

She is as unique as your fingerprint....

And. I would guess that you hold some shame around this part of your body.

Maybe you feel a little shy of even looking down there.

Maybe you feel some disgust or embarrassment.

Maybe you think there is something wrong with the way it looks.

Pussy. Vulva. Yoni. She has a whole lot of story connected to her for most of us.

This can create a numbness.

Both physically and emotionally. A feeling of disconnect from your life force energy.

The Pussy Portrait experience WILL change all of this.

It will awaken your.....

- Creativity

- Sensual expression as a woman.

- Passion and zest for life in and out of the bedroom

- Self love and ability to FEEL MORE pleasure

It is not just a painting. It is a vessel for radical transformation.

Together, we will take a journey of self-discovery.

We will unravel the threads of societal conditioning and connect you with the true essence of your Vulva as your own sovereign and sacred territory.

This is the next step on your path of liberation.

Are you Interested in diving into this work but not quite sure about the Portrait part...

Woman, I got you.

I know that this edge can feel like A LOT for some. We are all on different parts of this sacred path.

If you desire to dive into all this juicy work and play and don't feel comfortable with the portrait,

The Vulvacious Woman was made just for you.

And yes, you can always add the portrait if you want to later.

The Vulvacious Woman

If you are a woman desiring to uncover your authentic feminine sensual and alive self in your body... this is for you.

We dive into Womb Work, Pleasure, Sensuality, and Eros.

We clear out the stuck old patterns and thoughts that are in the way.

So that you can discover and uncover whats inside of you

and confidently redesign your life from this new stance of power and clarity.

A life that feeds you.

Your heart. Your body. Your needs. Your desires.

Your pathway forward will forever be changed.

You will land in a new place in your life as a woman, and feel the sensual, relaxed, ignited, beautiful, sexy, feminine woman that you are.

This 3 month 1-1 journey includes access to all of my work with:

  • Womb Space connection as your sacred ground in your body. We always begin here

  • Cycle work- even if you are done with your cycle - you continue to have one in the arcs of your life - we find that and explore how to support it

  • Sensuality, pleasure and self care as a priority in your life design

  • Vulva Love, care connection and ignition for more creative power in your life.

Book a call with me below and let's explore how this work can fit perfectly into your transformation.

Sanctuary for the Senses :

a membership for women who want

pleasure inspiration and accountability

Are you ready for more simple pleasure and presence in your life? This is for you!

Let's face it. Staying in the practice of pleasure and self care is not easy in the culture. We are constantly being pulled away by the list and all the To Do' s- not to mention all the deep messages of guilt and self judgement we carry around taking time for ourselves.

Its time for that to shift, with little steps and reminders of how to incorporate simple pleasure into your life as a practice.

This membership will be just that- it is a club to help you prioritize more pleasure!

This membership includes:

  • Simple Weekly Pleasure Practices to bring into your daily life 

  • Multiple affirmation reminders a week of how Fn worthy you are of your best life 

  • Monthly Embodiment Meditations

  • Monthly playlists to support your sensual pleasure

  • Monthly zoom circle with women for community connection

  • Facebook group for community connection


Coming Soon!  

Be a founding member & jump on the waitlist today!

Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved.